Don't settle for an ordinary babymoon. Get inspired by these six celeb-inspired destinations to visit before your due date.
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Some semblance of normality returned to battle-scarred Aleppo for a few hours on Saturday as local soccer clubs Al Ittihad and Horiyah met in the first derby in the city for five years.
'It would be nice if we could all just take a deep breath and focus on the only feeling that really matters, and for which previous generations worked a very long time at great cost: Freedom,' says Mitali Saran.
Inclusion has never been a straight road and stories from ancient cultures show it has always been a struggle to accord equal status to all genders and species, says Arundhuti Dasgupta.
'The Modi Model we see now is still the old Gujarat Model.' 'But with an acknowledgement that governing India is more challenging than governing Gujarat,' notes Shekhar Gupta.
Does Abhijit Banerjee's Nobel Prize help India reduce extreme poverty, asks Rajeev Srinivasan.
The year is coming to an end and overall, it's been one hell of a year! We have had our share of ups and downs and we look forward to a better 2020. While we count down the days to the new year, let's also reflect on those who gave us strength to stand up in what we believe, the courageous who didn't bow down and the ones with gumption who inspired us to be better. We,, have selected 26 personalities, who we think are worthy of the title -- HERO OF THE YEAR -- and we want you, dear readers, to choose your hero!
'If Mr Modi continues growing as a Hindu Hriday Samrat, better that it is done by restoring ancient temples than demolishing medieval mosques,' says Shekhar Gupta.
The attacks, which disrupted normal life, marked return of political violence on large-scale after a gap of over a year in Kannur.
'Through his conversation with Yama, Nachiketa helped society grapple with a bunch of knotty issues, just as many of the ongoing conflicts could do today,' says Arundhuti Dasgupta.
Will the next generation possess an even more internationalist outlook, and lose their Indian identities entirely? Will they continue to believe in a larger role for business in society and go beyond the boardroom to truly understand the Indian consumer, ask Geoffrey Jones & Vinay Sridhar of Harvard Business School.
Adding oomph to an ageing brand?. When the first wrinkles appear, the search for the fountain of youth must begin!
The person has described himself as 'Abhinav Tripathi, a social worker' and asked PM Modi to 'acknowledge that your visit to Kashi is being opposed'.
'Modi maintains what has been called a 'strategic silence' on controversial topics,' points out Amulya Ganguli.
It's obviously not the Kumbh Mela.
'Surely a higher standard is required when ministers speak in public to an audience that will assume they are factually correct, says Karan Thapar.
People were being honoured without a recommendation, he stressed in his monthly radio programme.
The session, which will continue till August 11, is likely to discuss issues like lynching incidents and vigilantism, the Kashmir situation and the border stand-off with China.
Low immunity food items and diminishing proportions of turmeric in daily consumption
Pakistan-born Canadian writer Tarek Fatah on Saturday said the Modi government's decision to demonetise 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes has hit Pakistan-sponsored terror activities against India and flow of counterfeit currency has been terminated.
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'Clearly, no hero can become one without a loyal and unquestioning set of followers.' 'But how does one deal with them once their purpose is served?' asks Arundhuti Dasgupta.
'It's cool in a decadent, Rome-is-burning kind of way,' says Kishore Singh.
'As the longest-lasting action hero, Cruise doesn't go down without a fight.' 'He throws in a quip here and there, runs like he's only ran in his last 20 movies, takes a whole lot of pounding from beauties and beasts, but The Mummy's garbled mythology and recycled imagery doesn't have the wits to complement his popping-from-the-veins enthusiasm,' says Sukanya Verma.
H'Right now, it is like thousands of fireflies floating in my mind.' 'I've heard Aamir Khan is making the Mahabharat, but the Mahabharat is open to so many interpretations.' 'It really doesn't matter how many times we visit it.'
Hari Prasad Sridhar captures the natural beauty of the island called Bali.
It has been rated second after Cambodia's Angkor Wat.
A cold snap in Europe and parts of America has caused chaos and crippled the lives of thousands. There have been over 20 weather-related deaths across Europe -- with snow continuing to fall across the continent. In America, Washington was blanketed in white after the US capital was hit by its first snow of the year. Here are glimpses from the snow bomb.
Many scholars have suggested that the importance of the cow and her association with the pantheon grew with the growing influence of the cult of Krishna,' says Arundhuti Dasgupta.
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'Art Deco was the last of the truly international styles.'
'Kohli is the kind of ethereal athlete who can not only help Elon Musk discover life on Mars, but also test out its gravitational parameters by stroking hundreds in the red dirt.' 'But when playing for India, he needs assistance,' says Dhruv Munjal.
'The Mughals became completely Indian in every sense and united the vast Indian subcontinent, not only territorially, but also the hearts and minds of people with multiple religio-cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversities' 'The Mughals, arguably, made India an enviable superpower in the then world.' 'Are the Hindutva rulers of today scared of acknowledging Mughal accomplishments?' asks Mohammad Sajjad.
The new Louvre Abu Dhabi puts NO Islamic restrictions on what it displays.
Beyond the barbed wire and watchtowers, though, lies a story that casts more than a little doubt on whether this dream will ever be realised. Praveen Swami reports.
According personhood to the Ganga and Yamuna is probably the best way to ensure the protection of natural resources, says Arundhuti Dasgupta.
Pulwama must become the defining moment in our fight against terror, effecting a sea change in our mindset. The erratic, blow hot blow cold approach, the hallmark of our anti-terror-Pak-Kashmir policy must end. In its place is required a pragmatic, comprehensive, robust hard line course that is relentlessly pursued even in times of relative calm until the final objective is met, namely the eradication of separatism and the total annihilation of terror, says Vivek Gumaste.
After 2,160 years of history, give or take a decade, the greatest athlete of ancient Greece is no longer alone on his pedestal.